Thursday, August 6, 2015

Analyzing Purpose

1. The goal of my public argument is to (attempt to) effectively convey the pro-side of legalizing marijuana. I want to clearly outline the positives of it, and in a matter that outshines the negatives associated with it. I have lots of articles with solid evidence on why it is a good idea and it is my idea to formulate all of that information into one argument. I want my readers to feel the same way as I do with a pro-stance after reading my argument.

2. Plausible Actions/Reactions
  • The audience sides with me and also agrees that marijuana should be legalized in the U.S.
  • The audience sides with me and agrees that marijuana should be legalized only for certain purposes, eg. medical, etc.
  • The audience becomes aware of the issue and does further research themselves
  • The audience does not side with me and is not convinced that it should be legalized.
  • Not plausible that the entire audience agrees or disagrees with me.
3. If people were to be informed of the benefits of legalizing marijuana for the U.S., they might be inclined to raise public issue of it and convince other individuals of the same thought. This leads to a public movement which has the possibility of changing laws if it is large scale.

4. The number one group of people I want to reach are those who are dealing with medical issues that could benefit from the use of medical marijuana. Medical marijuana has been proven to be effective at treating certain illnesses, including glaucoma, Schizophrenia, and many more. As marijuana for medical use is still not legal in every state, that would be my biggest achievement to see. If all else fails, I would love for the U.S. to legalize medical marijuana in every state so that those suffering from illnesses that are not effectively treated using traditional medicine can find relief from their pain and suffering. If I can persuade individuals on the benefits of medical marijuana for those who need it, I feel that they could theoretically have the power to have their voices heard and laws changed.

Wikimedia Commons. Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose, September 11, 2014, CC Attribution 2.0 Generic

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