Saturday, August 1, 2015

Questions About Controversy

Flickr.The Six Ws of Journalism and Police Investigations, August 14, 2008, Attribution 2.0 Generic

For project 3, I am going to continue with the debate regarding the legalization of marijuana, as I feel I am able to find information more easily on this topic than I can on my project 1 topic of Uber.


  • Who is leading the charge for pro-legalization?
  • Who is leading the charge for keeping it illegal?
  • Who will benefit from the legalization of marijuana
  • Who will be negatively affected by the legalization of marijuana?
  • Who decides what the law is going to be?


  • What are the social and economical benefits of legal marijuana?
  • What are the negative effects on society from legal marijuana?
  • What do the current laws regarding marijuana do in the sense of bringing crime and violence into the country?
  • What are the benefits of removing marijuana from the underground marketplace?
  • What will our countries reputation look like if marijuana is made legal?


  • Where is marijuana currently legal and how well does that work?
  • Where can the U.S learn from other countries and be more successful regarding marijuana laws?
  • Where is pro-legalization supported?
  • Where and what cultures do not want to see it legalized?
  • Where is the forefront of debate?


  • When was marijuana previously legal and when did that change?
  • When will the majority of the U.S. support legalization in regards to the cultures of the different generations?
  • When did marijuana begin to be decriminalized in the U.S.
  • How did society function back when marijuana was legal?
  • When can we expect change to better reflect the current culture of pro-legalization?


  • How is America being informed on the pros and cons of marijuana?
  • How are uneducated claims allowed to be made public in the media?
  • How do we get true and accurate information out to all of the U.S. to allow the citizens to make an informed decision for themselves?
  • How is social media going to be effective in voicing the opinion of the masses?
  • How do professional and scholarly sources view the legalization of marijuana?

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