Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Punctuation, Part 2

The Colon:
  • I had previous knowledge of when to use a colon before a list or quotation, and reading Rules for Writers reiterated that. However, what I learned was that you should not use a colon between a verb and its object. I have made that mistake before and now I know not to. In my project, I used a colon in this fashion: "The article states: "The central finding gleaned from the present study was that...""
The Apostrophe:
  • I always knew you used an apostrophe to show possession and also to turn words into the plural form. What I didn't know, is that you should not use an apostrophe to form the plural of numbers and abbreviations. I have always used an apostrophe when doing that, such as "the 1980's were a time known for..." or etc. Now I know that is not correct.
End Punctuation:
  • End punctuation is pretty simple. The biggest take-away from this section for myself was the use of the question mark. I am sometimes guilty of using the question mark at the end of an indirect question, or a polite request. Rules for Writers says that that is not necessary, and now I know not to make that mistake again.
ClipArt. Punctuation Correction, June 28, 2015, Public Domain

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