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Main Sources:
Austin, S., & Macmillan, D. (2014, November 18). Is Uber’s Biggest Rival Itself? A Collection of Controversy. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
- Austin and Macmillan summarize the different controversies surrounding Uber in the past year and explaining the involvement that CEO Travis Kanick and Vice President Emil Michael in those controversies. The authors aim to inform readers of the morally challenged actions Uber has partook in, and how the company defended itself. They draw on a handful of publicized issues and the public's reaction to those incidents, and then goes on explaining Uber's side of the issue and makes for a great debate style article. This will be helpful later on when I need to list several specific controversies the company has been involved in.
- South Carolina laws regarding public transportation companies are in place to protect and regulate the transportation companies in the state. As Uber is an up-and-coming company, the regulations are not tailored to allow Uber to operate, and Dobson explains that clearly, as well as lists examples in politics regarding the acceptance of Uber in several key cities across the US. Dobson analyzes past cases and the regulations that changed in the aftermath, and then applies it to South Carolina legislature. People with a mind for politics as well as law makers would take a lot from this article, and it will be helpful for me in explaining current regulations that prevent Uber from operating in different cities, and the proposed changes to them.
Frizell, S. (2014, November 18). 7 Dead-Serious Uber Controversies That Somehow Didn't Sink the Company. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
- Multiple, highly publicized acts of wrongdoing by a company often have the power of sinking them completely, and Frizell goes on to state seven controversies surrounding Uber and how they could have ended the company for good. He gives short and concise summaries of each individual controversy, and the source from which they were found. He wants all users of the app to be informed on what has been going on, and decide for themselves if they would like to use the service or not. This is key information that will be helpful later on in going in-depth into the most talked about controversies.
He, A. (2015, July 16). Jeb Bush stands up for Uber and the sharing economy. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
- Big governments like to be in control, and that makes untraditional businesses, like Uber, susceptible to unfair backlash. Presidential candidate Jeb Bush is being written about on the issue of his comments regarding Uber, along with other sharing companies and their effect on the economy. He wants all citizens to know that he supports the company and the mission they have, providing jobs to individuals as careers, as well as side jobs for a little extra spending money. The author, He, summarizes Bush's stand on sharing companies which can come in helpful use for myself as I explain the side of the Uber debate that is pushing for change.
Stafford, A. (2014, December 6). Fare Game. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
- Stafford's journal is a fantastic example of debate between Uber and taxi companies, and the arguments that each present to the table on the issue of ride-sharing competition with taxi companies. He uses his own experience as a taxi driver to present the information in a readable and easily understandable format for the daily users of taxi's and Uber's services. It goes behind the scenes to take a look at the managerial side of things from each industry, and the reason for clashing. This article is very helpful in the fact that it explains in depth the real reasons why Uber has been met with so much distaste from the taxi companies.
Waldron, J. (2015, July 16). More Controversy For Taxi Hailing App Uber. Retrieved July 16, 2015.
- More controversy to go along with the ever-growing list of issues plaguing Uber in recent times, this time, regarding a California ruling on Uber's failure to submit substantial documents on operations and services provided by the company. Waldron explains the court case, and the rebuttal made on Uber's part, appealing the decision, and putting a hold on a possible loss of all licenses to operate in California. His goal is to educate readers of the tech site on yet another issue the company now faces, and the $7.3 million fine placed upon it. This article has helpful information on the most recent controversy, as it was published today.
Additional Sources:
Das, J., & Osterman, C. (Eds.). (2014, December 17). Uber Plans Tighter Screening for Drivers. Retrieved July 21, 2015.
- The purpose of this article is to inform readers that Uber is addressing some of its safety concerns by starting to screen drivers under more scrutiny, and hopefully create a safer environment for both driver and passengers. It is intended for all users, mostly females, to read, and potentially feel safer due to the controversies surrounding Uber and a handful of drivers, who allegedly raped their female passengers. Reuters gathered information from Uber and how they screen their drivers, and compared it to practices around the world and in the United States. Overall, Uber wants to make its services safer for passengers, and does not want to be involved in any more driver scandals, which is why they are taking this seriously and adding on additonal screening before giving the OK to drive. This article will be helpful to show how Uber is slowly starting to address its issues and lose some of the negative reputation it has.
Huddleston Jr., T. (2014, December 10). What you need to know about Uber's latest controversies. Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- Mr. Huddleston does a fantastic job of condensing lots of information, and letting the readers know exactly what's important and what they should be aware of regarding Uber. The author wants the general public to know what the big deal is with Uber, and why everyone is talking about its ups and downs. The article covers safety, insurance, rape allegations, lawsuits, and Uber's general public relations. The information is retrieved from multiple cited sources which lead to longer articles. The major findings: Uber has quite a large variety of controversies surrounding it, in about every aspect of its operations, from corporate down to the drivers, or "private contractors" as Uber calls them. This article is one of the more useful I've found, as it is long, but covers many different sides of the Uber controversies.
Pinwurm. (2014, September 1). ELI5: This is the controversy with Uber. And how do Uber drivers make so much more than regular cab driver? • /r/explainlikeimfive. Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- While not a professional article, this reddit post by user "Pinwurm" does a great job at comparing Uber drivers to taxi drivers, and the differences between them. This is intended to show users, and anyone who uses a taxi regularly, the reasons taxi companies are not very fond of Uber, and how their drivers are paid compared to Uber drivers. It also goes on to explain why Uber has very little operating costs compared to taxi compaines, due to several reasons. I plan on using this article to compare taxi drivers and Uber drivers in my QRG.
The Associated Press. (2015, January 13). Indian Court Charges Uber Driver With Rape, Kidnapping. Retrieved July 20, 2015.
- An article devoted to covering the issues of passenger safety with Uber, this one focuses on a case in New Delhi, where a 32-year old male driver was accused of raping and kidnapping a 25-year old female passenger. The main audience is any user of the app, especially females as they may be more vulnerable to this style of attack. The article receives its facts from New Delhi police, who arrested the man and are also trying to charge Uber as a whole for "misrepresenting the safety of its service." It goes on to explain what happened, who accused who, and what Uber's response was to the incident. This article will do great in my QRG for my section on passenger safety.
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