Thursday, July 16, 2015

My Field of Study

I am currently studying business management as my intended major at the University of Arizona. In my field of study, students learn how to pull people and projects together, and generally oversee the entire process. With a degree in management, individuals can go on to be involved in a huge range of careers after college. A few examples of these include general and operations managers, who oversee operations at company plants, and manage the use of materials and available labor. Along with that, a student could become a management consultant. Consultants are generally hired by organizations who are experiencing major change. They will hire an outside consultant who can assist the current management team with changes such as a merger, downsizing, or anything of that sort. I decided to go into management because I enjoy having a say in what goes on at a company, and would prefer to utilize my own ideas, rather than listen to someone else's. In high school, I was also the manager of a carwash, and I would love to further my studies and someday become a manager of a much larger operation. In my field of study, there are a few leaders that stand out from the rest. While not necessarily a "manager," Elon Musk, the CEO of Space X and Tesla Motors, is one of the more exciting ones. He started a commercial space travel company from the ground up, as well as revolutionized electric cars by leading groups of people, and turning them into the multi-billion dollar companies that they are today. While perusing google, I consistently found results pointing towards "The Academy of Management" as having the top rated journals in my field. In fact, they have the top three rated journals, all in different aspects of management, located on their academy website:

#1 Rated Journal
#2 Rated Journal
#3 Rated Journal

1 comment:

  1. Mike this is a pretty difficult blog post to read!

    What would you think about using paragraphs, images, white space and other formatting choices to make reading pleasurable and easy for your readers? It would be easy then to simply focus on the content rather than struggling with the form....
