Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Learning Reflection

After filling out weekly calendar sheet, I realized I do not have a huge amount of free time to complete my coursework for this class. This summer, I work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, which consumes my mornings every weekday. I get off work at 4 pm, and then usually have dinner with my family. That leaves me 6 pm - bedtime to complete homework, or do anything recreationally.

.......That is when I'm lucky.

Unfortunately, my family is in the process of moving, and my days are sometimes filled with packing, unpacking, and moving boxes for hours on end. I am a determined student however, and know I will be able to find the time to sufficiently complete my coursework for this class.

Pixabay. Clock Schedule, July, 2013, CC0 Public Domain

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